Active Investment Management

You assign us discretion to manage investments. 

We work with you to arrive at an appropriate asset allocation.

  • We focus on diversifying portfolios.
  • We invest using a variety of options (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, alternatives and others).
  • We monitor the account and investments to ensure that they are meeting your goals and expectations.

Types of accounts

  • Taxable (agency accounts)
  • IRA
  • Roth IRA
  • Municipality
  • Foundation
  • Endowment
  • 401(k)

Tax Management

  • Awareness of short-term and long-term capital gains.
  • Analyze appropriateness of taxable vs. tax-free income.
  • Employ tax swaps and tax loss harvesting when appropriate.

Custody Capacity

  • Hold assets for safekeeping, but do not manage the assets. 

Southern is proud to partner with FCI Advisors, an independent RIA that assists us with our economic research, asset allocation framework, and investment
selection and monitoring. Our partnership with FCI expands our investment expertise to a team of more than 36 investment professionals while continuing
our commitment to locally-based control and service. Furthermore, we have an internal Investment Committee that meets on a monthly basis to review the research and recommendations that FCI Advisors to ensure they will benefit our clients’ portfolios.

FCI Advisors

  • SEC Registered Investment Advisory Firm
  • $14.2 billion in assets under management (08/15/23)
  • 67 Associates including 36 experienced Investment Professionals
  • 28 Portfolio Managers
    • 17 CFAs
    • 19 MBAs
    • 6 CFPs

Products provided by Southern Michigan Bank & Trust’s Wealth Management department are not FDIC insured. They may lose value and there is no bank guarantee.
Banking products are provided by Southern Michigan Bank & Trust.
Consult your legal and/or tax advisors before making any financial decisions.