Southern Michigan Bank and Trust sponsors Union City Elementary School's therapy dog.

Southern is excited to sponsor Union City Elementary School’s therapy dog, Tracker!  Therapy dogs bring numerous benefits to a school environment, including providing emotional support and companionship, reducing stress and anxiety, improving social skills, and creating a welcoming and productive atmosphere!

Funds raised for the Union City Elementary School's Therapy Dog Program will be used to cover vet bills, supplies, training, and program maintenance. There will also be a savings account set up to obtain a new therapy dog when Tracker retires. We're thrilled to be part of this initiative and wish Tracker, along with the Union City Elementary staff and students, the best of luck this school year!

SMBT is proud to support such initiatives that align with our values of community engagement and promoting well-being. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Union City Elementary School and their Dog Therapy Program!

To make a donation, please reach out to Tanya Sherwood at 

service dog at school

Service Dog

Service dog

Pictured: Tayna Sherwood (2nd grade teacher at Union City and Tracker's Owner), Elizabeth DiDonato (Union City and Tekonsha Branch Manager), and Tracker (Union City Elementary School's Therapy Dog).